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Hangzhou Lisheng clothing co.,ltd

liSheng clothing was established since 2015. With 10 years of experience , we have established our management system and mature supplier chain . we offer one-stop full service clothes manufacturing. Our experienced team of designers, pattern makers, and production specialists work tirelessly to bring your vision to life. Whether you’re launching a new clothing line or scaling up production for an existing brand, we have the expertise and resources to help you succeed.

React quickly, react informed

Company Advantage

Communication is key to successful collaboration. Our dedicated team provides transparent communication, regular updates, and personalized support to guide you through every step of the manufacturing process. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal.”

React quickly, once got the inquiry and order,  we will proceed next stage without delay.  Style update faster than ever before , quickly response and turnaround time means a lot for the sale.

Wide range of product type, the rich production line ensure us to provide one-stop full service manufacturing demand , as well as new special technique support . Keep abreast of industry trends, technological advancements, and emerging customer needs. Continuously innovate your products and services to stay relevant and offer cutting-edge solutions.

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